Site Survey & Redline Markup
One of the most important tasks before initiating the practical work of a project is to survey the site on which the task is intended. This not only provides insight to the project manager, but also can save a lot of trouble and potential dangers to the task. With the use of technology, many hazards involved can be reduced in the planning stage of the project. Typically, a site survey involves a series of visits to the site and numerous aspects are kept in perspective while doing so. Site surveys are common with large-scale technology projects, such as installing a new network or upgrading an old one.
We can apply redline markup (Hand Markup) in various different formats, providing the markup files as scanned images, hard-copy drawings, drawn with markup written by hand, or in an Adobe file. Red-line markups are added when drawings get redrafted from scratch or existing CAD files need to be updated, thus helping CAD users collaborate seamlessly.
- Incorporation of changes made to a drawing during the renovation/ alteration, maintenance, and construction of projects.
- Incorporation of red-line markups into CAD drawings